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Clip Ref. 2097191048
Favourability : -1
The Daily - Chicoutimi | News, Chronicles, Opinions, Sports, Arts, Business, Mag, Roof and me.

Encore et toujours championne de la pollution au Québec Par Jean-Philippe Thibault, collaboration spéciale 20 décembre 2024 à 04h00 6 L’usine McInnis à Port-Daniel-Gascons a produit 1,9 million de tonnes de ciment l’an dernier, générant 1,45 million de tonnes de GES. (Jean-Philippe Thibault/Collaboration spéciale) Pour une quatrième année consécutive, l’usine McInnis à Port-Daniel-Gascons, en Gaspésie, est le plus grand pollueur de la province. Le cimentier a augmenté de 3,7 % ses émanations de gaz à effet de serre (GES) en un an, portant son total à 1,45 million de tonnes. Les données ont été partagées récemment par le ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs. La loi oblige tous les établissements émettant dans l’atmosphère plus de 10 000 tonnes métriques en équivalent CO2 à déclarer leurs émissions. Les quelques 1,45 million de tonnes de GES de l’usine McInnis — maintenant propriété de Ciment St. Marys, une branche de la brésilienne Votorantim Cimentos — est la plus grande quantité rejetée dans l’atmosphère depuis son inauguration en 2017. L’entreprise devance au classement la raffinerie Valero de Lévis, celle de Suncor à Montréal, l’aluminerie Alouette de Sept-Îles et l’aciérie Arcelor Mittal à Contrecœur. L’entreprise a produit 1,9 million de tonnes de ciment l’an dernier. Elle emploie environ 200 personnes à temps complet. Le cabinet du ministre de l’Environnement, Benoit Charrette, n’a pas réagi à la demande de commentaires du Soleil.

Automatic Translation: Still and always the champion of pollution in Quebec By Jean-Philippe Thibault, special collaboration December 20, 2024 at 04:00 6 The McInnis plant in Port-Daniel-Gascons produced 1.9 million tonnes of cement last year, generating 1.45 million tonnes of GHGs. (Jean-Philippe Thibault/Special collaboration) For a fourth consecutive year, the McInnis plant in Port-Daniel-Gascons, in Gaspésie, is the biggest polluter in the province. The cement manufacturer increased its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 3.7% in one year, bringing its total to 1.45 million tonnes. The data was recently shared by the Ministry of the Environment, the Fight Against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks. The law requires all establishments emitting more than 10,000 metric tons of CO2 equivalent into the atmosphere to report their emissions. The approximately 1.45 million tons of GHGs from the McInnis plant — now owned by Ciment St. Marys, a branch of Brazil’s Votorantim Cimentos — is the largest quantity released into the atmosphere since its inauguration in 2017. The company is ahead of the Valero refinery in Lévis, Suncor’s in Montreal, the Alouette aluminum smelter in Sept-Îles and the Arcelor Mittal steel mill in Contrecœur. The company produced 1.9 million tons of cement last year. It employs about 200 people full-time. The office of Environment Minister Benoit Charrette did not respond to Le Soleil’s request for comment.

Clip Ref. 2097191019
Favourability : 1
THE MAGAZINE SORELTRACY: The information made otherwise!

Guignolée du CAB de Contrecoeur 2024 : Les Métallos et ArcelorMittal font un don de 14 500$ Le Centre d’action bénévole (CAB) de Contrecœur souhaite remercier de tout cœur la section locale 6951 du syndicat des Métallurgistes unis d’Amérique (Métallos) et ArcelorMittal pour leur mobilisation ainsi que pour leur généreux don totalisant 14 500$ dans le cadre de la guignolée du CAB 2024. Une contribution collective En effet, des représentants du syndicat et de la direction de l’entreprise sidérurgique de Contrecœur se sont présentés aux locaux du CAB afin d’y dévoiler le formidable montant ramassé lors d’une collecte effectuée à l’entrée de l’usine le 26 et le 28 novembre dernier. En combinant les dons des employés qui ont été amassés lors de la collecte et l’apport du fonds d’aide de la section locale 6951 des Métallos, on obtient un montant de 8 145$. De plus, l’administration du complexe ArcelorMittal Contrecœur-Ouest, a bonifié le tout en ajoutant 5 855$. Aussi, le syndicat de la section locale 8060 des Métallos a offert un montant supplémentaire de 500$.

Automatic Translation: Contrecoeur CAB Food Drive 2024: Steelworkers and ArcelorMittal donate $14,500 The Contrecoeur Volunteer Center (CAB) would like to sincerely thank United Steelworkers of America (Steelworkers) Local 6951 and ArcelorMittal for their mobilization and for their generous donation totaling $14,500 for the 2024 CAB Food Drive. A collective contribution In fact, representatives of the union and the management of the Contrecoeur steel company came to the CAB offices to reveal the incredible amount collected during a collection held at the plant entrance on November 26 and 28. By combining the employee donations that were collected during the collection and the contribution of the assistance fund of the local section 6951 of the Steelworkers, we obtain an amount of $8,145. In addition, the administration of the ArcelorMittal Contrecœur-Ouest complex, increased the total by adding $5,855. Also, the union of the local section 8060 of the Steelworkers offered an additional amount of $500.

Clip Ref. 2097191015
Favourability : 1
Site: SorelTracyMagaz
SorelTracy Magazine @SorelTracyMagaz Le STM c'est 23 ans au Service de la région Pierre-De Saurel.... Sorel-Tracy, Québec, Joined July 2011 108 Following 954 Followers

Guignolée du CAB de Contrecoeur 2024 : Les Métallos et ArcelorMittal font un don de 14 500$ SorelTracyMagaz

Automatic Translation: Contrecoeur CAB Food Drive 2024: The Metalworkers and ArcelorMittal donate $14,500

Clip Ref. 2097190975
Favourability : 1
CJSO 101,7 FM

La mobilisation chez ArcelorMittal permet de réunir 14 500 $ au profit du CAB de Contrecoeur Le Centre d’action bénévole de Contrecœur reçoit un don majeur de la section locale 6951 du syndicat des Métallurgistes unis d’Amérique (Métallos) et d’ArcelorMittal.  Leur mobilisation dans le cadre de la guignolée a permis de réunir 14 500 $. Des représentants du syndicat et de la direction se sont présentés aux locaux du CAB afin d’y dévoiler le montant amassé dans le cadre de la collecte effectuée à l’entrée de l’usine les 26 et 28 novembre derniers. En combinant les dons des employés lors de cette opération et l’apport du fonds d’aide de la section locale 6951 des Métallos, on obtient un montant de 8 145 $. L’administration du complexe ArcelorMittal Contrecœur-Ouest, a bonifié le tout en ajoutant 5 855 $ puis le syndicat de la section locale 8060 des Métallos a offert un montant supplémentaire de 500 $. « Année après année, les gens de chez Mittal sont toujours très généreux. 14 500$, c’est un très beau montant et c’est 1 500$ de plus que l’an dernier » s’est réjouie Nancy Leduc, directrice générale du Centre d’action bénévole de Contrecoeur.

Automatic Translation: Mobilization at ArcelorMittal raises $14,500 for the Contrecoeur CAB The Contrecoeur Volunteer Action Centre receives a major donation from United Steelworkers of America (Steelworkers) Local 6951 and ArcelorMittal. Their mobilization as part of the food drive raised $14,500. Representatives from the union and management came to the CAB offices to reveal the amount raised during the collection held at the entrance to the plant on November 26 and 28. By combining employee donations during this operation and the contribution from the Steelworkers Local 6951 assistance fund, the total amount is $8,145. The ArcelorMittal Contrecoeur-Ouest complex administration topped it all up by adding $5,855, and then the Metalworkers Local 8060 union offered an additional $500. “Year after year, the people at Mittal are always very generous. $14,500 is a very nice amount and it’s $1,500 more than last year,” rejoiced Nancy Leduc, Executive Director of the Contrecoeur Volunteer Action Centre.

Clip Ref. 2097190928
Favourability : 1

Guignolée du CAB 2024 Les Métallos et ArcelorMittal font un don de 14 500$ Le Centre d’action bénévole (CAB) de Contrecœur souhaite remercier de tout cœur la section locale 6951 du syndicat des Métallurgistes unis d’Amérique (Métallos) et ArcelorMittal pour leur mobilisation ainsi que pour leur généreux don totalisant 14 500$ dans le cadre de la guignolée du CAB 2024. Une contribution collective En effet, des représentants du syndicat et de la direction de l’entreprise sidérurgique de Contrecœur se sont présentés aux locaux du CAB afin d’y dévoiler le formidable montant ramassé lors d’une collecte effectuée à l’entrée de l’usine le 26 et le 28 novembre dernier. En combinant les dons des employés qui ont été amassés lors de la collecte et l’apport du fonds d’aide de la section locale 6951 des Métallos, on obtient un montant de 8 145$. De plus, l’administration du complexe ArcelorMittal Contrecœur-Ouest, a bonifié le tout en ajoutant 5 855$. Aussi, le syndicat de la section locale 8060 des Métallos a offert un montant supplémentaire de 500$.

Automatic Translation: CAB Food Drive 2024 The Steelworkers and ArcelorMittal donate $14,500 The Contrecœur Volunteer Action Centre (CAB) would like to sincerely thank the United Steelworkers of America (Steelworkers) Local 6951 and ArcelorMittal for their mobilization and for their generous donation totaling $14,500 for the CAB Food Drive 2024. A collective contribution Indeed, representatives of the union and the management of the Contrecœur steel company came to the CAB offices to reveal the incredible amount collected during a collection held at the entrance to the plant on November 26 and 28. By combining the employee donations that were collected during the collection and the contribution of the assistance fund of the local section 6951 of the Steelworkers, we obtain an amount of $8,145. In addition, the administration of the ArcelorMittal Contrecœur-Ouest complex, increased the total by adding $5,855. Also, the union of the local section 8060 of the Steelworkers offered an additional amount of $500.

Clip Ref. 2097190918
Favourability : 1
Site: J_ContreCourant
Le Contre-courant @J_ContreCourant Joined February 2015 140 Following 188 Followers

''Le Centre d'action bénévole de Contrecoeur souhaite remercier de tout cœur la section locale 6951 du syndicat des Métallurgistes unis d’Amérique (Métallos) et ArcelorMittal pour leur mobilisation ainsi que pour leur généreux don...'' J_ContreCourant

Automatic Translation: ''The Contrecoeur Volunteer Action Center would like to sincerely thank Local 6951 of the United Steelworkers of America (Steelworkers) and ArcelorMittal for their mobilization and for their generous donation...''

Clip Ref. 2097190915
Favourability : 1
Site: wesleynonprofit
Wesley Non Profit Page · Social Service We are a local registered charity offering support for people experiencing poverty, homelessness, and barriers in Hamilton, Halton and Brantford. 2.5K Followers

This week, we had the opportunity to visit with Jacky and Jon from ArcelorMittal Dofasco's Employee Donations Fund when they dropped off an incredible donation on behalf of their members in support of Wesley Youth Housing. Their generous financial donation will assist us in continuing our critical work serving youth experiencing or at risk of homelessness. We are lucky to have dedicated supporters like ArcelorMittal Dofasco! Thank you for your generosity and care. #thankyou #communitysupport #seasonofgiving wesleynonprofit

Clip Ref. 2097190898
Favourability : 1
YouTube is a place to discover, watch, upload and share videos. Owned by Google.

Теплоизоляция Броня Долгое время мы не публиковали новостей о Броне Канада, но работа не прекращалась. А ведь наш эксклюзивный дистрибутор, компания Loranger Coatings, являющаяся представительством Броня в Канаде уже несколько лет, продолжает активную работу. Недавно Броня Канада была награждена премией PROSPERE Awards 2024. 7 ноября Броня Канада получила премию PROSPÈRE от Conseil du patronat du Québec (CPQ) на мероприятии Gala prosperité québec. Соорганизатором мероприятия была компания ArcelorMittal, второй по величине металлургической компанией в мире, кстати, являющемся клиентом нашего дилера в Канаде. Эта престижная награда, присужденная ведущей квебекской бизнес-организацией, подтверждает приверженность компании инновациям и созданию безопасной и здоровой рабочей среды, способствующей развитию сотрудников. «Броня Канада» продолжит инвестировать в благополучие своей команды и предлагает множество карьерных возможностей. А Кроме того, они участвовали в выставке Contech Building (7 ноября), встрече, организованной Africa Experts International (8 ноября) и в мероприятии «День деловых обменов 2024» (13 ноября), была представлена на мероприятии ECO-RDV (13 ноября) и RDV Innov 2024 (29 ноября) Все эти события стали очередным подтверждением того, что продукция Броня является одним из самых эффективных, экологичных и востребованных продуктов в мире. Мы верим в восстановление прежних международных экономических связей, ведь Броня — это механизм достижения ESG - стандартов, и наш продукт, как и прежде, необходим за во всем мире.

Automatic Translation: Thermal insulation Bronya We have not published news about Bronya Canada for a long time, but the work has not stopped. And our exclusive distributor, Loranger Coatings, which has been representing Bronya in Canada for several years, continues to work actively. Recently, Bronya Canada was awarded the PROSPERE Awards 2024. On November 7, Bronya Canada received the PROSPÈRE award from the Conseil du patronat du Québec (CPQ) at the Gala prosperité québec event. The co-organizer of the event was ArcelorMittal, the second largest steel company in the world, by the way, a client of our dealer in Canada. This prestigious award, awarded by a leading Quebec business organization, confirms the company's commitment to innovation and the creation of a safe and healthy work environment conducive to the development of employees. Bronya Canada will continue to invest in the well-being of its team and offers a variety of career opportunities. And in addition, they participated in the Contech Building exhibition (November 7), a meeting organized by Africa Experts International (November 8) and the Business Exchange Day 2024 event (November 13), were presented at the ECO-RDV event (November 13) and RDV Innov 2024 (November 29) All these events became another confirmation that Bronya products are one of the most effective, environmentally friendly and sought-after products in the world. We believe in the restoration of previous international economic ties, because Bronya is a mechanism for achieving ESG standards, and our product, as before, is needed all over the world.

Clip Ref. 2097190823
Favourability : 1
Site: wesleynonprofit
Wesley Non Profit Page · Social Service We are a local registered charity offering support for people experiencing poverty, homelessness, and barriers in Hamilton, Halton and Brantford. 2.5K Followers

This week, we had the opportunity to visit with Jacky and Jon from ArcelorMittal Dofasco's Employee Donations Fund when they dropped off an incredible donation on behalf of their members in support of Wesley Youth Housing. Their generous financial donation will assist us in continuing our critical work serving youth experiencing or at risk of homelessness. We are lucky to have dedicated supporters like ArcelorMittal Dofasco! Thank you for your generosity and care. 🧡 #thankyou #communitysupport #seasonofgiving wesleynonprofit

Clip Ref. 2097190776
Favourability : -1
Site: Brad_Gerrie

ArcelorMittal Exploitation Minière Canada s.e.n.c. ordered to pay $100,000 for obstructing enforcement officers Brad_Gerrie

Clip Ref. 2097190752
Favourability : 0
Site: summer.irqittuq
Avery Unn

Baffinland’mi sanaliqtui big shot’ngunasukalalui. Uangilaa stupid, just bc they’re making big bux trying to be all that, Iminaujalakaujarasuk. Kanguuuu 🤮 summer.irqittuq

Clip Ref. 2097190751
Favourability : 0
Site: is Canada's Online Information Source, a comprehensive web site for news, entertainment, sports and business.

Ship traffic steadily increasing in Canadian Arctic waters, researchers say 466 ships made their way into Canadian Arctic waters this year Ship traffic in the Canadian Arctic, just as in other circumpolar regions, continued to grow in 2024 — driven mainly by the transport of raw materials. That's according to the Arctic Policy and Security Observatory at Université du Québec à Montréal, which released its report called "L'année arctique," or "The Arctic Year" in English. It looks at the biggest trends in the Arctic since 2019, in collaboration with the Centre for International Policy Studies at the University of Ottawa. Mines, like Raglan in Nunavik and the Mary River mine in Nunavut, contributed to the increase in freighters in the eastern Arctic in recent years.

Clip Ref. 2097190513
Favourability : 0
Canadian Lawyer is Canada's first and foremost award-winning publication dedicated to the niceties and nuances of legal practice with ...

Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP is a listed representative in five cases Deborah Glendinning, partner, is a listed representative of Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited as applicant in Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited et al v JTI-MacDonald Corp. et al and as respondent in the Rothmans, Benson case. She works in the area of class actions. Shawn Irving, partner, is a listed representative of applicant Accuride Canada Inc. in Accuride Canada Inc. v Arcelormittal Dofasco GP et al. He deals with business disputes.

Clip Ref. 2097190322
Favourability : 1
Site: WindsorEssexCAS
The Windsor-Essex Children’s Aid Society is dedicated to the well-being and safety of every child by

Thank you to Richard Jazvac & the Team at ArcelorMittal Windsor, a division of ArcelorMittal Dofasco G.P. for all of the wonderful holiday gifts again this year for our children and youth! #HolidayProgram2024 WindsorEssexCAS

Clip Ref. 2097190321
Favourability : 1
Facebook social network

Voici les équipes et l'horaire pour le tournoi d'ouverture ArcelorMittal. Venez encourager et vous amuser avec nous. Bon tournoi à tous 🧡🥌

Automatic Translation: Here are the teams and schedule for the ArcelorMittal Opening Tournament. Come cheer and have fun with us. Good tournament to all 🧡🥌

Clip Ref. 2097190320
Favourability : 1
Facebook social network

Soirée reconnaissance ArcelorMittal 2024- Envoi des photos Bonjour! Ceci est pour vous aviser que toutes les photos individuelles/ de couple ont été envoyées aux fêtés de l'édition 2024 de la soirée reconnaissance d'ArcelorMittal. C'est un lien Wetransfer, il se peut qu'il se retrouve dans votre boîte des indésirables. Veuillez télécharger votre photo dès réception puisque le lien expire.

Automatic Translation: ArcelorMittal Appreciation Evening 2024 - Sending photos Hello! This is to notify you that all individual/couple photos have been sent to the 2024 ArcelorMittal Appreciation Evening celebrants. This is a Wetransfer link, it may end up in your spam box. Please download your photo upon receipt since the link expires.

Clip Ref. 2097190293
Favourability : 1
Threads Social Network from Instagram.

Arcelor Mittal Dofasco family Christmas 2024 🎄✨ We were able to attend the magic hour for family with kids with disabilities and neurodivergence. Our kids were able to enjoy the bouncy houses and rides as much as they can before it got busy🤪