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Clip Ref. 2097190794
Favourability : 1
LinkedIn is an online network of more than 10 million experienced professionals from around the world, representing 150 industries.

Une keynote exceptionnelle avec David Glijer ! Nous sommes ravis d'accueillir David Glijer, Chief Digital Officer d'ArcelorMittal, lors de notre prochain événement avec la keynote : « Comment ArcelorMittal supporte et dynamise son écosystème de partenaires technologiques français »

Automatic Translation: An exceptional keynote with David Glijer! We are delighted to welcome David Glijer, Chief Digital Officer of ArcelorMittal, at our next event with the keynote: "How ArcelorMittal supports and energizes its ecosystem of French technology partners"

Clip Ref. 2097190793
Favourability : 1
LinkedIn is an online network of more than 10 million experienced professionals from around the world, representing 150 industries.

Abrir portas e estreitar laços está no cerne da nossa missão. Agradecemos aos representantes da ArcelorMittal pela visita às instalações da GrafTech Brasil e por celebrar conosco, fortalecendo nossa conexão e parceria. Voltem sempre! Ludymilla Batista Ana Claudia Loyo Ozorio

Automatic Translation: Opening doors and strengthening ties is at the heart of our mission. We would like to thank the representatives of ArcelorMittal for visiting the GrafTech Brasil facilities and for celebrating with us, strengthening our connection and partnership. Come back soon! Ludymilla Batista Ana Claudia Loyo Ozorio

Clip Ref. 2097190792
Favourability : 0
LinkedIn is an online network of more than 10 million experienced professionals from around the world, representing 150 industries.

𝗜𝗻𝗻𝗼𝘃𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝘂𝗳 𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗻: 𝗖𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝗡𝗲𝘃𝗼𝗺𝗼 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗣𝗶𝗹𝗼𝘁𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗷𝗲𝗸𝘁 „𝗕𝗥𝗘𝗠𝗔𝗚“ Nevomo, europäischer Marktführer im Bereich der magnetischen Schienentechnologie, und die Hansebahn Bremen GmbH (HBB), ein Joint Venture des Schienenlogistik-Spezialisten Captrain Deutschland und des Stahlunternehmens ArcelorMittal Bremen, starten ein gemeinsames Pilotprojekt zum automatisierten Güterverkehr auf dem Bremer Werksgelände.

Automatic Translation: 𝗗𝗿𝗼𝘃𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝘃𝗮 𝗮𝘂𝗳 𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗲𝗻: 𝗖𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗡𝗲𝘃𝗼𝗺𝗼 𝘀𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗣𝗶𝗹𝗼𝘁𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗷𝗲𝗸𝘁 “𝗕𝗥𝗘𝗠𝗔𝗚” Nevomo, the European market leader in the field of magnetic rail technology, and Hansebahn Bremen GmbH (HBB), a joint venture between the rail logistics specialist Captrain Deutschland and the steel company ArcelorMittal Bremen, are launching a joint pilot project for automated freight transport on the Bremen factory premises.

Clip Ref. 2097190741
Favourability : 0
LinkedIn is an online network of more than 10 million experienced professionals from around the world, representing 150 industries.

MEPS research flags fears of steel sector ‘in danger’ MEPS respondents fear that Europe’s steel industry is “in danger” following the December announcements of job cuts at Thyssenkrupp and ArcelorMittal. Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe cited competition from low-cost Asian imports and high energy costs in its decision to reduce its German workforce from 27,000 to 16,000 by 2030. The restructure will also include a reduction in annual production capacity of up to 25% from its current 11.5 million tonnes output. Meanwhile, ArcelorMittal has announced strategic changes which will include the delaying of the decarbonisation plans at its Dunkirk site and the closure of distribution centres in Reims and Denain. Explaining its delayed decarbonisation investment, ArcelorMittal cited the slow development of green hydrogen infrastructure, the high cost of DRI, the influence of China’s overcapacity, and weak import protection offered by CBAM.

Clip Ref. 2097190606
Favourability : 1
LinkedIn is an online network of more than 10 million experienced professionals from around the world, representing 150 industries.

Tive oportunidade de participar do Workshop promovido pela ArcelorMittal com o Treinamento NR33 e área com perigo de gás. Como coordenador na Mina do Andrade foi um privilégio ter os ensinamentos da Paula Scardino, incrível sua sabedoria.

Automatic Translation: I had the opportunity to participate in the Workshop promoted by ArcelorMittal with NR33 Training and areas with gas hazards. As a coordinator at Mina do Andrade, it was a privilege to have the teachings of Paula Scardino, her wisdom is incredible.

Clip Ref. 2097190395
Favourability : 1
LinkedIn is an online network of more than 10 million experienced professionals from around the world, representing 150 industries.

🏅🏆Hoy renovamos el Sello RSA+ que tiene como objetivo promover la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa en los autónomos/as, empresas y todo tipo de organizaciones públicas y privadas de la Comunidad Autonoma de Aragón, para que implanten y apliquen prácticas socialmente responsables. 🌎 🧡 Enhorabuena equipo ArcelorMittal Tailored Blanks Europe hashtag#Zaragoza

Automatic Translation: 🏅🏆Today we renew the RSA Seal, which aims to promote Corporate Social Responsibility in the self-employed, companies and all types of public and private organizations in the Autonomous Community of Aragon, so that they implement and apply socially responsible practices. 🌎 🧡 Congratulations ArcelorMittal Tailored Blanks Europe team hashtag#Zaragoza

Clip Ref. 2097190394
Favourability : 1
LinkedIn is an online network of more than 10 million experienced professionals from around the world, representing 150 industries.

Semana passada, tive o privilégio de participar do Encontro ArcelorMittal CFO, um evento que reuniu a Diretoria Financeira da ArcelorMittal Long Carbon LATAM em um momento enriquecedor de troca e reflexão, onde pude conhecer muitos de meus colegas de trabalho pessoalmente pela primeira vez. O encontro foi uma oportunidade para revisitar os desafios superados e celebrar as conquistas que marcaram 2024. Também direcionamos nossos esforços para traçar as metas estratégicas que guiarão nossas ações em 2025.

Automatic Translation: Last week, I had the privilege of participating in the ArcelorMittal CFO Meeting, an event that brought together the Financial Management of ArcelorMittal Long Carbon LATAM in an enriching moment of exchange and reflection, where I was able to meet many of my co-workers in person for the first time. The meeting was an opportunity to revisit the challenges overcome and celebrate the achievements that marked 2024. We also directed our efforts to outline the strategic goals that will guide our actions in 2025.

Clip Ref. 2097190393
Favourability : -1
LinkedIn is an online network of more than 10 million experienced professionals from around the world, representing 150 industries.

Mexican cartels are operating with impunity around Ternium and ArcelorMittal mine sites, according to a shocking new The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project report, that details forced disappearances of community activists and other human rights abuses of people standing up in opposition to ArcelorMittal and Ternium mines. Antonio Diaz and his lawyer vanished after leaving a community meeting. These activists were taking a stand against a mine that local community members claimed devastated their environment. Ternium and ArcelorMittal have firmly rejected any direct or indirect association with or responsibility for the perpetrators of violence. But both are facing serious questions about how such human rights abuses continue to happen around their facilities. Intimidation or use of violence against activists fighting for Indigenous rights and environmental justice must not be tolerated. We expect steel companies to investigate the shocking details outlined by OCCRP and stand up firmly for the rights of environmental defenders.

Clip Ref. 2097190392
Favourability : 1
LinkedIn is an online network of more than 10 million experienced professionals from around the world, representing 150 industries.

With hashtag#steel being omnipresent in our modern world, a visit to ArcelorMittal and Galloo Recycling, located in North Sea Port Ghent, are true staples of the hashtag#maritimescience programme at Ghent University for many years Always a pleasure to hear passionate people tell us about the inner workings of their industry, and by doing so inspire the next generation of maritime business professionals.

Clip Ref. 2097190391
Favourability : -1
LinkedIn is an online network of more than 10 million experienced professionals from around the world, representing 150 industries.

🚨 ArcelorMittal vient de lever 1 milliard d’euros sur le marché obligataire grâce à plusieurs banques telles que BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole ou encore Natixis du Groupe BPCE. Leader de l’hashtag#acier, ArcelorMittal n’a à l’heure actuelle pas de stratégie hashtag#climat suffisamment ambitieuse pour s’aligner sur une trajectoire permettant de limiter le réchauffement planétaire à +1,5°C. L’entreprise ne s’est notamment toujours pas engagée de façon nette à arrêter de construire de nouveaux hauts fourneaux, ni à cesser de prolonger leur durée de vie. En d’autres termes, hashtag#ArcelorMittal n’est toujours pas en voie d’abandonner le hashtag#charbon métallurgique dans sa production. L’aciériste envoie également des signaux très inquiétants quant à sa capacité à développer les modes de production d’acier décarbonés. Il vient en effet de mettre en pause ses projets de décarbonation en Europe. Face à cette trop lente décarbonation, les banques ont un rôle clé à jouer. BNP Paribas, Groupe Crédit Agricole, Groupe BPCE (hashtag#Natixis), Citi, Goldman Sachs, HSBC et Intesa Sanpaolo doivent cesser d’accorder des soutiens inconditionnés à l’aciériste comme elles viennent de le faire au travers de ces deux obligations. 📢 Au contraire, alors qu'ArcelorMittal doit publier une mise à jour très attendue de ses engagements climatiques, elles doivent absolument exiger que l’aciériste s’engage de façon claire à arrêter de développer de nouveaux hauts fourneaux et à prolonger leur durée de vie. Tant que l’aciériste ne se sera pas engagé sur une trajectoire de décarbonation alignée avec l’objectif 1,5°C, tout soutien qui lui sera apporté par les banques ne pourra être considéré comme étant en accord avec leurs engagements climatiques.

Automatic Translation: 🚨 ArcelorMittal has just raised €1 billion on the bond market thanks to several banks such as BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole and Natixis of Groupe BPCE. Leader in the hashtag #steel, ArcelorMittal does not currently have a hashtag #climate strategy that is ambitious enough to align itself with a trajectory that limits global warming to 1.5°C. In particular, the company has still not made a clear commitment to stop building new blast furnaces or to stop extending their lifespan. In other words, hashtag #ArcelorMittal is still not on the way to abandoning the hashtag #metallurgical coal in its production. The steelmaker is also sending very worrying signals about its ability to develop decarbonized steel production methods. It has in fact just put its decarbonization projects in Europe on hold. Faced with this too-slow decarbonization, banks have a key role to play. BNP Paribas, Groupe Crédit Agricole, Groupe BPCE (hashtag#Natixis), Citi, Goldman Sachs, HSBC and Intesa Sanpaolo must stop providing unconditional support to the steelmaker as they have just done through these two bonds. 📢 On the contrary, while ArcelorMittal must publish a long-awaited update of its climate commitments, they must absolutely demand that the steelmaker clearly commit to stopping the development of new blast furnaces and extending their lifespan. As long as the steelmaker has not committed to a decarbonization trajectory aligned with the 1.5°C objective, any support provided to it by the banks cannot be considered as being in line with their climate commitments.

Clip Ref. 2097190390
Favourability : 1
LinkedIn is an online network of more than 10 million experienced professionals from around the world, representing 150 industries.

Industrial emissions are often seen as waste, but what if they could be turned into something valuable? This is what LanzaTech and ArcelorMittal are doing, creating sustainable ethanol from carbon-rich emissions at their Steelanol facility in Ghent, Belgium. This first-of-its-kind plant in Europe has reached a major milestone - producing enough ethanol for large-scale barge shipments. This advanced ethanol goes beyond fuel, finding its way into products like apparel and packaging. It repurposes emissions, cuts CO2 by 125,000 tonnes annually, and supports the EU’s 2030 climate goals

Clip Ref. 2097190389
Favourability : -1
LinkedIn is an online network of more than 10 million experienced professionals from around the world, representing 150 industries.

Together with the Fair Steel Coalition, we're calling on banks and investors to end unrestricted finance for ArcelorMittal ❌ 💵, as 7 banks have just done. Last Friday, BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole CIB, Citi, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, Intesa Sanpaolo, Natixis Corporate & Investment Banking, helped ArcelorMittal raise EUR 1 billion on the capital market. This deal came just two weeks after ArcelorMittal backtracked on its climate commitments in Europe, and after communities have contacted these same banks to raise serious human rights concerns about the companies operations in Liberia, Mexico, and South Africa. The new finance provided to ArcelorMittal does not have environmental or social conditions attached, meaning there is the possibility for the company to use the debt to expand or prolong it's coal-fired operations. Any future finance provided to a steel major like ArcelorMittal, who has demonstrated that it's not serious about climate action, must include STRONG conditionalities that ensure the company phases out coal, and upholds it's responsibilities to communities.

Clip Ref. 2097190301
Favourability : 1
LinkedIn is an online network of more than 10 million experienced professionals from around the world, representing 150 industries.

We had the great opportunity to welcome the CEO and key team members of Anker Schroeder - ASDO forged steel solutions to Luxembourg. They provided valuable training on anchorage systems, new developments, and competitive outlooks. This session also initiated discussions on potential new solutions and project types where we could jointly create added value, aiming to enhance HAV steel solutions for maritime structures like ports and breakwaters using steel sheet piles from ArcelorMittal Luxembourg.

Clip Ref. 2097190300
Favourability : 1
LinkedIn is an online network of more than 10 million experienced professionals from around the world, representing 150 industries.

As we celebrate the fifth anniversary of ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India (AM/NS India), I feel humbled when I look at the exceptional milestones we have been able to accomplish. We have established ourselves as one of the most efficient and sustainable steelmakers in the country, and the credit goes to our people. We have grown both organically and inorganically over the years while focusing on innovation and quality at each step of the value chain. At our core, we believe in continuous improvement and pushing the boundaries of our capabilities to redefine what’s possible – ‘Smarter and Brighter Futures’ for all. I am also grateful to our business partners and other stakeholders, who have traversed this incredible journey with us. As we are hashtag#CelebratingTheSteelWithin, I look forward to building a legacy together to support growing New India!

Clip Ref. 2097190299
Favourability : 1
LinkedIn is an online network of more than 10 million experienced professionals from around the world, representing 150 industries.

It fills me with immense pride as we mark the 5th Anniversary of ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India (AM/NS India), a significant milestone that not only signifies our remarkable progress but also honours the collective efforts of each and every member of the organisation. At AM/NS India, we have cultivated a people-centric culture that nurtures innovation and collaboration, celebrates diversity, and ensures every member is valued and empowered. Guided by our core values—Endlessly Creative, Consistently Excellent, Always Collaborative, and Forever Dynamic, our workforce is steadfast in its commitment to drive the organisation forward and meet the growing needs of the nation. As we set sights on an ambitious goal of achieving 40 MTPA, our focus remains firmly on our people. We are fostering a high-performance culture, investing in talent development, and prioritising employee well-being. By empowering our workforce, we are building a resilient, future-ready organisation.

Clip Ref. 2097190298
Favourability : 1
LinkedIn is an online network of more than 10 million experienced professionals from around the world, representing 150 industries.

Congratulations to AM/NS India on completing 5 remarkable years of not just building steel but forging trust, excellence, and brighter futures. 🌟 This journey reflects the steel within—the strength to overcome challenges and transform them into milestones. Here’s to the visionaries, the hardworking teams, and everyone who has been a part of this incredible journey. May the years ahead bring even more innovation and success! 💪

Clip Ref. 2097190297
Favourability : 1
LinkedIn is an online network of more than 10 million experienced professionals from around the world, representing 150 industries.

Celebrating five years of building more than just steel 🎉 As ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India completes 5 years, we are hashtag#CelebratingTheSteelWithin all who have guided us through challenges and turned them into milestones, paving the way for Brighter Futures!

Clip Ref. 2097190296
Favourability : 1
LinkedIn is an online network of more than 10 million experienced professionals from around the world, representing 150 industries.

ArcelorMittal and LanzaTech Announce Ethanol Production Milestone and Shipment of First Barge from Flagship hashtag#Steelanol Facility in hashtag#Belgium.